
Concerts in 2012

by - January 09, 2012

Mac have always dreamed of going to a concert with me, so when he found out that Katy Perry is playing Manila again, he asked me if we could watch it together. We both agreed that we'll try our best to save up for at least the bronze ticket, but since we have a lot of things to save up for first, the California Dreams concert thought was put aside.

But a couple of days ago he told me that Evanescence will also be having a concert in Manila next month, knowing for a fact that I used to be (and I guess I still am) a huge fan of Amy Lee. I nearly hyperventilated in excitement, believe me I'm not exaggerating. ;) But I already figured out that Evanescence would be more expensive than Katy Perry.

I have not been in a concert for over a year, and it's a sad thing for me because way back in high school I used to follow my favorite local bands around Manila, and even in Cebu. LOL I miss screaming like a sissy fan girl on a Hale concert. Ha-ha! Came college, the only time I could watch a gig or a concert is when local bands are playing in bars nearby, or if the council invited one. I miss watching concerts, it's been a great part of my life at some point. It's my other way of winding up on a Friday or Saturday night after a week long of stress from school.

So I decided to Google other upcoming concerts, and found out that a great deal of artists are coming to the Philippines this year. YAY! I've also just been informed by my good friend May that A Rocket to the Moon will be having a mall tour next month, I guess there's a fat chance that Mac and I could watch them. I'm still trying to look for something bigger that would happen during the summer like Death Cab for Cutie, they'll be having a concert in Taguig on March 5th. I guess it would be much better since we could have enough time to save up for it, and we will most probably be not too busy. But we will definitely watch A Rocket to the Moon! Ha-ha! Not only am I a fan, but also because I want to do something good for Mac. <3 In the mean time, I'm thinking of watching local bands with Mac, I was thinking of Pupil, Bamboo, Urbandub, The Dawn, Franco or better--KAMIKAZEE! Ha-ha! But I haven't looked into their gig lists yet, I might do it tomorrow.

BTW, I updated the site pages and added some new content in the Visitor's page. Finally have FREE WORDPRESS THEMES for you to download! Tell me what you think.

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