
Nowhere Girl

by - March 11, 2014

Is it goodbye for my domain name NowhereGirl.net already? To be honest, I am not sure. But I would really still love to have it renewed. I transferred back here in blogger because it has recently expired and I do not have the financial resources yet to renew it. For a person with a stable online teaching job, I am pretty broke and I think I need help LOL --- but seriously.

Well anyway, I am currently waiting for 8:30pm as I will be having yet another class. I honestly enjoy teaching Japanese students online, I have just found the perfect teaching job for me. It's actually a dream come true, since I have always wanted a home based job so I could still look after my younger siblings and get some alone time to work out and read. It is pretty convenient too, not only for me but also for my family especially with my mother who always needs me around to look after the household and the business, I am hoping and fervently praying that I don't get tired of doing this.

Anyway, I'll be ending it here for now, I'll make a new theme for this site and this time an original. I miss coding, it's been a while so wish me luck. :)

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