
Booze, Good Music and an Awesome Friend

by - May 11, 2014

This weekend would have not been the same if you didn't ask where I was yesterday. I was surprised when you asked me to meet you at McDonald's but I was also glad you did because I am getting a little bored drinking brandy with my parents and Mike's parents and singing karaoke with my sisters and his sister. We've been doing it practically every week and though I look forward to seeing them, somehow, I feel like going out too and trying to find the company of my old friends. 

Luckily, there was you. 

You were one of the first few people whom I befriended (or rather befriended me) when I was a freshman in college. You have always been a great company and though things never worked out between us once upon a time, I'm glad that we remained friends. 

We had float, fries and burger at McDonald's and we had a great laugh about the most random things we talked about to update each other about what's been going on in our lives. Then we bought soju and moved the conversation to your place where you handed me a bottle of Vodka Mudshake and we listened to The Eraserheads. 

The night went on; we shared stories and laughed at the silly things I used to do before. Talked about previous breakups and even gained some memorable killer phrases. Reminiscing was rather fun and uncomplicated when talked about with you, I feel at ease and I enjoy listening to your own stories and dilemmas too. 

You know when people always say that you meet someone for a reason and things happen for a reason I never seem to believe them, until last night. We may never have worked out as a couple but we still clicked as good friends, and I couldn't be more grateful for that.

Time really do heal all wounds.

It was great to finally bond with you this way, Geoffe. Until next time, awesome friend.

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