
Burot, Batangas with my Besties

by - November 10, 2014

IMG_5558In the wee hours of Sunday, Jaycee, Gerald, my parents and I headed for the van terminal in Pasay to catch a ride going to Burot, Batangas. My parents decided to give us a lift because it was far but Gerald ended up driving going all the way to Pasay since my mom had a drink or two the night before. LOL.
Anyway, once we got there, we immediately found the vans heading for Batangas and call us lucky but we were able to hail a van who didn't get other passengers along the way. So for the entire three hour long trip, there was just the three of us in the van. We literally have it all to ourselves which was kinda nice because we get to sleep and stretch our feet comfortably.
IMG_5536We arrived in Calatagan at around 6:30am and decided to have breakfast at a local market eatery. Then we took a tricycle going to Burot which took about 20 minutes; the road going there was quite narrow and not completely cemented, so it was quite a bumpy ride.
IMG_5555However, once we got there Jaycee and I were amazed at how amazing the place looked like. Gerald had been in the place the week before and he pointed out that there were more people that day compared to when he last been there.
But it wasn't as crowded as any normal beach. There were no cottages, everyone has to bring (or rent) their own tents, there's just one store that sold snacks and refreshments, and there's no electricity!
Burot is a white sand beach that is perfect for those who really just wanted to wind up, relax and forget about the world for a while--just like us.
As soon as we got there, we decided to set up our own tent and (literally) lock up all our things inside before we decided to take a stroll. The place was really amazing; perhaps even too good to be true. The sand is soft beneath my feet and the water is clear, it's everything I wanted and more, or maybe I'm just a sucker for beaches. We strolled for sometime before we headed back to our tent to hang out, have some snacks and chat. Soon after, we took a dip in the water and just savored the moment.
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We seemed to have done so much that we were surprised that it was only lunchtime by the time we finished swimming. We showered, ate lunch and took a nap afterwards. It wasn't the most comfortable nap we've had because it got a little too hot since it was midday. But we did felt relaxed and I guess that's what's important.
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By 3pm, we decided to leave the the beach and strolled along the streets of the town of Calatagan. We went in the church and the park, took photos and grabbed some quick bite before finally heading for the van terminal.
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The trip home took longer than I expected, or perhaps I was just a bit uncomfortable but we managed to get off at Pasay; we took the train to Megamall where we stopped by for a washroom break and contemplated whether we'd have dinner or not. We finally agreed that we'll just go home and have a drink at Ge's place but halfway through our trip home, I cancelled on them because I had to go home for some reasons I can't really disclose in this blog in detail.
Despite of it though, it was still a perfect getaway even just for a day. Looking forward for more adventures with my lovies.

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