Quite a late post…
Thanks again, Ge!
This was sometime in the middle of the week. First of all, I am terribly sorry for the weird phone call, but I appreciate that you monitored me the night before and perhaps you just really wanted to know what happened on my way home from work.
It was terrifying. I thought I'd had to physically fight for my life... I was so scared, but tried to keep my cool when he followed me home and it feels good to have someone monitoring me during those times.
So that morning, I waited for you, saved you a seat in the queue for the local transit.
Glad to see you though, barely could wait to tell you exactly what happened the night before. You even brought a pack of my all time favorite cookies and we ate that on our trip as we talked about what happened and other random things, you even paid for my fare. Man, I owe you a lot now eh? Anyway, thanks for the company, joh eun chin gu. ^_^ yet again, kamsahamnida! ^_^
좋은 친구 (^_^)v
(joh eun chin gu - a good friend)